Saturday, March 29, 2025

Topo Athletic Phantom 4 Initial Review

Article by Sam Winebaum

Topo Athletic Phantom 4 ($145)


The Phantom is Topo’s best selling shoe. It is a daily trainer featuring Topo’s signature anatomical broad toe box, a soft and quite energetic Zip Foam EVA/TPU midsole foam and moderate (in these times of max and super max towers of foam) stack height of 35mm heel / 30mm forefoot. 

Releasing May 2025, the Phantom adds 2mm more stack height of a slightly softer Zip Foam and a new outsole design while staying the same in weight at  9.2 oz / 260g in my US8.5 sample. The result is a pleasant softer riding but not mushy or energy sapping, wonderfully fitting (any foot shape should be happy here), option for moderate pace runs and fitness walking. Let’s get into the details in this initial review with a full multi tester review to come soon.

Tailwind Nutrition High Carb Fuel and Courtney Tailwind Birthday Cake Recovery Mix Reviews

Article by Renee Kursemark

Tailwind High Carb Fuel ( April 2025) 

Renee: High carb running is all the rage. I’m easily not fast or good enough to follow this trend to the extreme without having some serious GI issues while running. That said, it’s no secret that fueling with high carb intake during long efforts, even for us mid to back of pack runners, can be essential. 

The High Carb Fuel is mixed for 90g of carb per serving with 60g from glucose and 30g from fructose. If you want easy measurement for mixes, the High Carb Fuel is a simple way to ensure 90g carbs per hour. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Testbericht: Rab Equipment Phantom Regenjacke und -hose (German)

Rab Equipment Phantom Regenjacke und -hose

Artikel von Markus Zinkl


Willkommen zu meinem Testbericht der neuen Phantom Regenbekleidung von Rab. Ich habe bereits den Phantom Pull-On getestet und konnte nun auch die neue Phantom Regenjacke genauer unter die Lupe nehmen. Außerdem gibt es die passenden Phantom Regenhosen – die ich bisher allerdings noch nicht ausführlich getestet habe. In diesem Bericht erzähle ich dir, was an den technischen Details, dem Design und der Praxistauglichkeit zu beachten ist.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Testbericht: Puma Deviate NITRO Elite Trail 2 Vergleich (German)

Artikel von Markus Zinkl

Puma Deviate NITRO Elite Trail (229,95 €)


Puma war bislang im Bereich der Traillaufschuhe nicht als starker Anbieter bekannt – doch der Deviate Elite Trail setzt hier ein deutliches Zeichen. Mit diesem Modell betritt Puma Neuland, denn es ist der erste Wettkampfschuh mit Carbonplatte, der eigens für den Trailbereich entwickelt wurde. Andere Hersteller hatten bereits mit den ersten Versionen ihrer Trailsschuhe mit Carbonplatte zu kämpfen, weshalb ich äußerst gespannt war, wie sich der Deviate Elite Trail in diesem hart umkämpften Segment schlagen würde. Diese Neuausrichtung und Innovation haben mich neugierig gemacht, und so startete mein Test, um die tatsächlichen Vorzüge und eventuellen Herausforderungen dieses Schuhs herauszufinden.


  • Sehr leicht und atmungsaktiv

  • Gute Passform, besonders für schmale Füße

  • Starke Energierückgewinnung durch Carbonplatte

  • Exzellenter Grip auf festen Untergründen


  • Wenig Schutz und Stabilität auf unebenem Terrain

  • Steife Carbonplatte kann das Laufgefühl auf technischen Trails beeinträchtigen

  • Zunge neigt etwas zu rutschen

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Test des Shorts et Débardeurs Tracksmith Fieldhouse (French)

Article par Jeremy MARIE

Débardeur Tracksmith Fieldhouse Tank  (testé en taille M, 63€) et Short Fieldhouse (taille M, 70€).

Tracksmith est une jeune marque américaine, un peu à contre-courant de ce que l’on peut voir habituellement. A l’opposée des vêtements de running de style soit très “urbain”, soit très “outdoor”, elle propose une gamme d’inspiration plutôt vintage, qui dégage une sorte de charme très british si j’ose dire, qui rappelle l’image des tenues sportives des fac américaines. 

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Instinct Trail Evolution 7L Running Vest Review

Article by Mike Postaski

Evolution 7L Vest ($140)


Instinct Trail running vests are a staple in the European trail running scene, but I’ve never seen one state-side.  I have heard many good things though, and the RTR team raves reviews about their Reflex Belt here as well as their larger X-10 L vest  here . I got a full demo from founder Sean Van Court at the 2024 The Running Event - he was very excited to explain how every single feature and detail of the vests were designed with funct ionality in mind. 

The main focus of their vests are high capacity and accessible storage (especially up front) as well as comfortable and secure fit.  They have a wide variety of capacity options from super lightweight short race options, to typical ultra-focused designs, up through larger multi-day or expedition/fastpacking  type vest/packs.

I have been testing their Evolution 7L vest, which is in the middle of their range, and trail running and racing focused. I’d say for the distances that I focus on for training and racing, this 7L model is the most versatile option, offering range to go lighter and also enough capacity to handle longer stuff. The 10L model would also be suitable - it’s distinguished by a larger zipper pocket and capacity in the rear, likely better for colder races, where more layers are needed or other situations that require higher capacity.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Craft Kype Pro Initial Review

Article by Michael Ellenberger 

Craft Kype Pro ($300)

Craft has put forth a new entrant in the high-performance marathon racing scene with the Kype Pro, a shoe designed to deliver elite-level speed, responsiveness, and efficiency… at a price. Yes, with an eye-popping (though ultimately just-slightly-above-market) $300 price tag, this shoe is going to draw attention, though perhaps not to the same degree as the Adidas Evo 1 and its $500+ bill. 

Fortunately, this supershoe loads in basically every feature around - including a nitrogen-infused Pebax midsole and a skeletal additive molded carbon fiber plate engineered by Arris Composites  

Testbericht: On Running - Cloudsurfer 2. 7 Vergleiche (German)

Artikel von Markus Zinkl und Ingrid Zasa

ON Cloudsurfer 2 (170,00 €)



Da die Meinung über den originalen Cloudsurfer im RTR Team überwiegend positiv war, war meine Neugier für den neuen ON Cloudsurfer 2 besonders groß. Ich wollte wissen, ob er den Ansprüchen eines regelmäßigen Läufers gerecht wird – sei es beim Tempo oder bei längeren Strecken. In den folgenden Kapiteln berichte ich detailliert aus meiner Perspektive über meine Erfahrungen mit diesem Schuh.

Ingrid: Nach meiner eher ernüchternden Erfahrung mit dem Cloudmonster 2 im letzten Jahr war ich besonders gespannt darauf, wie sich der Cloudsurfer 2 schlagen würde. Beide Modelle werden zwar als Daily Trainer beworben, richten sich jedoch an unterschiedliche Läufertypen. Umso mehr interessierte mich, ob der Cloudsurfer 2 meinen Anforderungen besser gerecht werden würde. Kleiner Spoiler: ja!

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Speedberry Trainer Multi Tester Review: 7 Comparisons

Article by Ryan Eiler and Sam Winebaum

Speedberry Trainer ($150)


Ryan: Old school with a modern hint of Brooklyn funkiness—that’s the Speedberry Trainer to my eye. From both an aesthetic and performance standpoint, this shoe harks back to simpler times while subtly integrating modern design elements. 

What stands out most, though, is the story behind it. Speedberry is a passion-driven, entrepreneurial effort, and regardless of how the shoe performs, you have to admire the courage it takes to plunge into the wildly complex and competitive world of performance footwear. What a daunting journey it must have been to arrive here and release this into the world.

The result? A lightweight, back-to-basics trainer that keeps things simple and focused on function. There are no unnecessary frills, just a breathable upper, a thoughtfully tuned supercritical foam midsole with a midfoot carbon shank, and a distinct personality. It’s the kind of shoe that feels effortless on foot and is in many ways a refreshing alternative to the max-stack, overly engineered trend that dominates the market today.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Testbericht: VJ Shoes Ultra 3 5 Vergleiche (German)

Artikel von Nico Wagner und Markus Zinkl

VJ Shoes Ultra 3 (189,00 €)



Dies war mein erster VJ Laufschuh, den ich testen durfte, und die Vorfreude war riesig – vor allem, weil der VJ Ultra 2 vor zwei Jahren von meinen RTR-Kollegen schon so hoch gelobt wurde. Damals standen der super Grip, der hervorragende Lockdown und der großzügige Platz im Vorfuß im Vordergrund, die den Schuh zu einem vielseitigen Begleiter machten, auch in steinigem Gelände. Natürlich gab es auch ein paar kleinere Haken: Der Schuh war etwas schwerer als Version 1, fiel etwas klein aus und der Übergang unter dem Mittelfuß ließ beim Laufen nicht immer geschmeidig wirken. Ich war also gespannt, ob der Ultra 3 diese positiven Eigenschaften übernehmen und die kritischen Punkte verbessern konnte.

Cumulus Climalite Full Zip Jacket Review: LIght, Full Featured and Priced Right!

Article by Matt Kolat 

Cumulus Climalite Full Zip Jacket ($230/£179)


Cumulus is a Polish brand specialising in ultralight hiking, mountaineering and trail running gear and clothing. The brand was first established in 1989 and its focus is on down products and making all their gear as light as possible. They have a strong focus on gear development and are a market leader in sleeping bags, hammocks, mattresses and many more items you might find interesting. Today I will be having a closer look at their synthetically insulated jacket - the Climalite. 

Diadora Gara Carbon 2 Multi Tester Review: Delightful Italian Speed, Comfort and Style! 7 Comparisons

Article by Courtney Kelly, Ben David, Sally Reiley, and Derek Li

Diadora Gara Carbon 2 ($310)


Courtney: Diadora a brand known for ultimate sports comfort, takes their Gara Carbon 2 marathon racer to new heights of comfort nd performance. With 39mm stack in the heel and 34mm in the forefoot for a 5mm total drop, the Carbon 2 boasts a geometry and fit that makes it a contender on race day and for long faster training runs.


  • Soft foam and comfortable fit -Courtney/Ben/Sally/Derek

  • Natural rolling ride-Courtney

  • Very plush heel collar (especially for a race shoe)-Courtney/Ben/Sally

  • Supercritical midsole is very bouncy, light and comfortable underfoot-Courtney/Sally

  • Very grippy Duratech 5000 outsole!
  • 19g drop in weight in a US M9.5 from v1


  • Not a super snappy ride -Courtney/Ben/Sally

  • Softer than I would normally choose for a racer. Perhaps better suited for longer miles training runs -Courtney/Ben/Sally
  • Narrower forefoot than V1 - Derek
  • Premium pricing -Courtney/Ben/Sally/DerekLess support for the overpronators, definitely a neutral shoe -Courtney

Road Runner Sports Korsa Run and Lounge Wear Review

Article by Jeff and Allison Valliere

Road Runner Sports Korsa Run and Lounge Wear for Men and Women

Introduction:  Korsa is an in-house brand at Road Runner Sports, offering a variety of apparel for the run, warmup or post run lounging.  We were able to test out some of their offerings and can attest that their clothing is comfortable, functional and well constructed.

Men’s Korsa Metropolitan Hoodie 2.0

Sizes SM-XXL


Stellar Equipment Guide Shell Hybrid Jacket and Pants Review

Article by Nico Wagner

Stellar Equipment Guide Shell Hybrid Jacket and Pants

Test environment

Tested over two multi-day trips in the Silvretta and Gurgl regions, primarily for ski touring on glacier areas. Conditions included sunny and cloudy weather, mostly warm temperatures and strong winds. The kit saw around 30 hours of use and covered roughly 10,000 vertical meters, from hut approaches to glacier travel and the final climb to the peak.

Guide Shell Hybrid Jacket - 580 gr in Size Large - 399 EUR

Guide Shell Hybrid Pants - 650 g in Size Large - 299 EUR


  • Smart design (tough and long-lasting materials) that provides waterproofing and breathability in key areas.

  • Generous ventilation zippers on both the jacket and pants for temperature control.

  • Tailored fit with a lot of stretch for a great feel and unrestricted movement.

  • Two-way zipper (jacket) allows easy access to your harness

  • RECCO reflector at brim of hood


  • Lacks built-in gaiters on the pants, which may impact snow protection.

  • Belt is a little bit too elastic

Sunday, March 16, 2025

VJ Shoes Flow Multi Tester Review: 6 Comparisons

Article by Renee Krusemark, John Tribbia and Sam Winebaum

VJ Shoes Flow ($160/€169,00)


Renee:The Flow is much different than my other VJ shoes: the MAXx2, Lightspeed, and Spark. Geared toward a variety of terrain, the Flow is less niche than those shoes. Meant for “every surface,” the Flow lists trails, gravel, and road under its terrain usage and features VJ trademark Butyl rubber outsole and an eTPU supercritical foam midsole as found in last year’s very well received MAXx2 (RTR Review) . 

One would think these hybrid-gravel shoes would be perfect for someone who runs mostly rural gravel roads, but this isn’t always the case. While I’m interested in the focus on “gravel” running shoes, I’m still hesitant to see their value as compared to road shoes. How does the Flow stack up?